Rode VideoMic Pro Plus 麥克風~全台灣市場最低價 熱賣

網路價 $8390
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Rode VideoMic Pro Plus 是槍型電容式超心型指向麥克風,配備Rycote Lyre1 避震座、內建一顆可充電電池、響應頻率比前一代更廣(20 Hz - 20 kHz),射頻抗擾度也更佳。這款麥克風可用來捕捉攝影機、數位單眼相機,以及手持錄音設備的聲音,做為主要音源與參考音源。

Rode VideoMic Pro Plus 擁有3.5mm立體聲迷你接頭、雙單聲道信號輸出、以及一條TRS端子線,還附帶一條Micro USB傳輸線,可透過USB供電。此款麥克風的超心型指向性可確保盡量過濾周圍的聲音,只針對錄影機前方的對象收音。其低噪音電路設計可避免錄到麥克風內部運作所發出的聲音。此款產品針對數位單眼相機的設定為+20分貝、高品質前置放大器的設定為平坦(flat),以及配有-10分貝的衰減器。

此外Rode VideoMic Pro Plus還有眾多其他功能,例如電源可自動開關、內置型電池蓋,以及高通濾波器,可選75 Hz或150 Hz,濾波器可把空調與車輛等的低頻噪音去除掉。如果使用者不確定要捕捉的音量有多大,可以把右邊聲道的錄音音量設定為較低,另外也可以選擇提升高頻。

Rode VideoMic Pro Pluss 的供電模式可選擇兩顆AA電池、Micro USB充電線,或使用內建的LB-1鋰離子充電電池,充電一次約可使用100個小時。麥克風的電源可自動開關,接上錄影設備時就會自動打開,拔除時則自動關閉,以達到省電功效。


·         電源自動開關,插上連接線就開啟.

·         透過LB-1、兩顆AA電池,或Micro USB傳輸線便能供電.

·         配備LB-1鋰離子充電電池,以及3.5mm TRS可拆卸式音訊線.

·         內置型電池蓋.

·         LED指示燈可顯示電源供應與充電狀態.

·         Micro-USB埠可供LB-1電池充電.

·         數位切換.

·         音量調整

·         兩階高通濾波器

·         高頻放大器

·         雙單通道非平衡輸出

·         右聲道可選擇設為安全通道

·         偵測環境光源以調高LED亮度

·         低噪音電路

·         射頻抗擾度更佳

·         Rycote Lyre 避震座

  • Automatic Power Function with plug-in power
  • Power via LB-1, 2 x AA Batteries, Micro USB
  • Ships with LB-1 Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Battery, Detachable 3.5mm TRS Cable, Micro USB Cable
  • Built-in Battery Door
  • Optimised Windshield Shape
  • Digital Switching
  • 10-year extended warranty when you register your microphone

The RØDE VideoMic Pro+ is a new addition to the best-in-market on-camera category. It is a true shotgun microphone designed for use with camcorders, DSLR cameras and portable audio recorders as a source of primary and reference audio.

Still with the best-in-class Rycote Lyre suspension system onboard, the VideoMic Pro+ improves on the existing VideoMic Pro capsule/line tube and windshield, plus boasts a host of new features.

Automatic Power Function (with plug-in power availability) is perfect for the run-and-gun shooter, automatically turning the microphone off when unplugged from the camera.

Built-in Battery Door makes replacing the battery a breeze - plus it won't get lost.

Power options the VideoMic Pro+ can be powered by the all-new and included RØDE LB-1 Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Battery, 2 x AA Batteries or continuously via Micro USB.

Digital Switching - will ensure the user has ultimate capture of the audio signal at the source, reducing post production and editing times.

The Digital Switching includes:

  • 2-Stage High Pass Filter to reduce low frequencies such as rumble from traffic or air conditioning
  • 3-Stage Gain Control, with +20dB function – designed to improve audio quality on DSLR or mirrorless cameras
  • High Frequency Boost will boost high frequencies enhancing detail and clarity in the recording
  • Safety Channel to help ensure the signal does not clip when unexpected spikes occur

VideoMic Pro+ Specifications

Acoustic Principle Line Gradient
Active Electronics JFET impedance converter
Capsule 0.55"
Polar Pattern Supercardioid
Address Type End
Frequency Range 20Hz - 20kHz (selected HPF @75Hz/150Hz)
Output Impedance 200Ω
Maximum SPL 133dBSPL
Maximum Output Level 7.7dBu (@ 1kHz, 1% THD into 1KΩ load)
Sensitivity -33.6dB re 1 Volt/Pascal (21.20mV @ 94 dB SPL) +/- 2 dB @ 1kHz
Equivalent Noise Level (A-weighted) 14dBA
Power Options Internal batteryUSB bus poweredAA Battery
Weight 122g
Dimensions 111mmH x 66mmW x 170mmD
Output Minijack Output
Warranty 1 year with free extension to 10 years following registration here