RESCUE RADAR 生命搜索雷達 在土壤及碎石地區可偵測到深達10公尺內直徑達20公尺內的活動物體。 可5段掃描深深度供選擇(2、4、6、10、20或30公尺) 偵測靈敏度有4段供選擇,可選擇空氣、雪地、瓦礫、泥土以得到詳細的資訊。
Rescue Radar II 雷達生命探測儀是一款用於在災害現場第一時間搜索出倖存被困人員位置的最佳工具。它採用了探地雷達(GPR)技術,在災害現場憑藉RescueRadarII 的GPR 探地感應器可定位關鍵區域。通過無線傳輸,實現了GPR 感應器與操作電腦的即時交流。探地雷達在地面探測時,移動電腦可自動探測到感測器,螢幕上即刻顯示出該區域的地形測繪圖,移動目標的活動範圍也會獲得即時動態顯示,若探測到遇難人員的移動信號或呼吸信號,狀態指示器會不斷閃爍。
當前的救生系統除了無法穿透障礙物偵測移動外,大部分的系統,例如攝像系統,偵測的範圍非常有限並且只有在移動的遇險者進入攝像機鏡頭或感測器的視野後才能報警。基於音訊的偵測系統大大受限於距離,障礙物,殘垣以及遇險者是否還強壯和清醒到能夠發出聲音。雷達生命探測儀可以穿透障礙物(例如鋼筋混凝土磚牆,柏油層,泥石流和雪崩造成的積雪)進行偵測,在15 秒內偵測出一定範圍內遇險者的移動和呼吸,不受聲音和背景雜音的影響。超視安全系統公司的感測器可以發出包含目標指定資訊的信號,從而使偵測活動更快,更精確,也使得參與救難的急救者,安全人員和軍事人員自身更加安全。
Rescue Radar™ is designed for rapid deployment by Search & Rescue teams all around the world to quickly find survivors trapped beneath the surface.
Determining the presence of life is of utmost importance following a disaster and Search & Rescue teams need to rapidly assess where to focus their resources in the initial hours following the catastrophe.
By making use of our patented ultra-wide bandwidth (UWB) antenna technology the Rescue Radar™ is able to detect movement and immobile victims below the surface.
Rescue Radar™ System comes standard with a:
Rescue Modes
Easily toggle between two modes for optimal operation in all circumstances to locate victims and save lives.
Dimensions & Weight | Size: 530 x 325 x 325 mm Weight: 7.71 kg (no battery) | 11 kg (with battery and tablet) |
Center Frequency | 500 MHz |
Power | 1.25 A @ 12V Battery: Rechargeable sealed lead acid gel cell Capacity: 9Ah Charger: 110 – 240 V for use all over the world |
Environmental | Rescue Radar™ Electronics: -40 to +50 °C Display Unit: -10 to +50°C |
Maximum Detection Depth (Material Dependent) | Selectable 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 30 meters |
Maximum Control Wi-Fi Distance | 75 meters |
Tablet Operating System | Android |